Today, A nmslese is watching tv.
Tv: 特大喜讯,特大喜讯,中国吉林省公安厅党委副书记、常务副厅长贺电的大作《平安经》正式发布啦,读后保平安啦,作为传奇著作,价格亲民,不要998,不要998,只要200,只要200,预购从速,预购电话:44444444……
(Good News, Good News, Congratulatory message from the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Deputy Director of the Public Security Department of Jilin Province, China, his masterpiece "Safety Sutra" is officially released, Keeping safe after reading. As a legendary book, the price is close to the people. No 998, no 998, only 200, only 200. Pre-order as soon as possible. Pre-order phone: 44444444)
NMSLESE: Wow, Cool, I will buy one.
Next day.
Wow, Look, What is the NMSLESE doing?
Oh, He is chanting.
NMSLESE: 爸爸平安,干爹平安,妈妈平安,干妈平安,儿子平安,干儿子平安,女儿平安,干女儿平安,叔叔平安,婶婶平安,爷爷平安,奶奶平安,舅舅平安,孙子平安……
(Dad is safe, godfather is safe, mother is safe, godmother is safe, son is safe, godson is safe, daughter is safe, goddaughter is safe, uncle is safe, aunt is safe, grandpa is safe, grandma is safe, uncle is safe, grandson is safe…)
Suddenly, he is enlightened.
He immediately started writing NMSL Sutra.
One month later.
The NMSLESE finally finished the NMSL Sutra, He took it to the publishing house to prepare for publication.
The officer looked at his book, then looked at him and laughed.
He stood up and walked in front of NMSLESE.
He said: Do you dare to be named Zhao? How dare you?
And slapped him.
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